
The Beat: David Baker

David Baker is the author and editor of 18 books, including 12 books of poetry. His most recent book is Swift: New and Selected Poems, published by W. W. Norton.  Baker teaches at Denison University and he frequently serves on the faculty of the MFA program for writers at Warren Wilson College. He is the Poetry Editor of The Kenyon Review.  

"Swift" is used with permission by the author.


Read "Swift" by David Baker

David Baker’s Website

"Poetry That Bears Witness to a Changing Natural World,” a review of Swift: New and Selected Poems in The New Yorker

Interview at Tupelo Quarterly

Poems and Essays at Virginia Quarterly Review Online

Swift: New and Selected Poems at Amazon.com

David Baker reading at CornellCast


"Just A Memory Now (Instrumental)" by Chad Crouch is licensed under CC

BY NC 4.0 with modifications

Alan May:

Welcome to The Beat, a poetry podcast produced by Knox County Public Library. Today we’ll hear a poem by David Baker, a poet, critic, and longtime Poetry Editor at The Kenyon Review. In an article in The New Yorker, Dan Chiasson praises Baker by saying, “his work evinces the moral courage of keeping still in the landscape: in our era of climate change, poetry’s mandate to measure the rhythms of the year has become a valuable form of witness.” I love the sheer joy in today’s poem, “Swift,” and the awe the speaker displays as he witnesses a flock of birds “swirling” over a post office in small-town Ohio. Here’s the poem “Swift” by David Baker.

David Baker:



Swift into flight, the name as velocity,

a swift is one of two or three hundred

swirling over the post office smokestack.

First they rise come dusk to the high sky,

flying from the ivy walls of the bank

a few at a time, up from graveyard oaks

and back yards, then more, tightening to orbit

in a block-wide whirl above the village.


Now they are a flock. Now we’re holding hands.

We’re talking in whispers to our kind, who

stroll in couples from the ice cream shop

or bike here in small groups to see the birds.

A voice in awe turns inward; as looking

down into a canyon, the self grows small.

The smaller swifts are larger for their singing,

the spatter and high cheeep, the shrill of it.


And their quick bat-like alternating wings.

And the soft pewter sky sets off the black

checkmark bodies of the birds as they skitter

like water toward a drain. Now one veers,

dives, as if wing-shot or worse out of the sky

over the maw of the chimney. Flailing—

but then pulling out, as another dips

and the flock reverses its circling.


They seem like leaves spinning in a storm,

blown wild around us, and we their witnesses.

Witness the way they finish. The first one

simply drops into the flue. Then four,

five, in as many seconds, pulling out of

the swirl, sweep down. So swiftly, we’re alone.

The sky is clear of everything but night.

We are standing, at a loss, within it.

Alan May:

That was “Swift” by David Baker, who was kind enough to record this poem for us at his home in Granville, OH. He is the author and editor of 18 books, including 12 books of poetry. His most recent book is Swift: New and Selected Poems, published by W. W. Norton. Baker teaches at Denison University and he frequently serves on the faculty of the MFA program for writers at Warren Wilson College. He is the Poetry Editor of The Kenyon Review. You can find David Baker’s book Swift in our online catalog or call us at the Reference Desk at Lawson McGhee Library. Also look for links in the show notes. Please join us next time for The Beat.

Various Voices::

Thank you for listening to and sharing this podcast from Knox County Public Library in Knoxville, Tennessee. Music for this podcast is by Chad Crouch. Find all our podcasts at pods.knoxlib.org, and explore life-changing resources at www.knoxlib.org. That's "knox l-i-b." Go to our "keep in touch" page to sign up for newsletters. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Make us your essential connection for life-long learning and information.

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About your hosts

Profile picture for Melissa Brenneman

Melissa Brenneman

Melissa listens to hours of podcasts on most days. She started the habit with the intention of taking long walks, but podcasts proved to be more addicting than exercise. She records, edits and mixes podcasts for the library.
Profile picture for Alan May

Alan May

Alan May works as a librarian at Lawson McGhee Library. In his spare time, he reads and writes poetry. May's fourth book, Derelict Days in That Derelict Town: New and Uncollected Poems, was published through BlazeVOX Books in 2025. His work has appeared in The New Orleans Review, The New York Quarterly, The Hollins Critic, The Idaho Review, Plume, The Hong Kong Review, and others.