
The new feminist agenda

Elizabeth Wright, Director of Women’s Advocacy and Written Communications at Young Women's Christian Association Knoxville, discusses The new feminist agenda: defining the next revolution for women, work, and family by Madeleine Kunin. (Recorded April 17, 2013)

According to Kunin, progress is evident considering that women now comprise nearly 60 percent of college undergraduates and half of all medical and law students. They have entered the workforce in record numbers, making the two-wage-earner family the norm. But, Kunin says, combining a career and family turned out to be more complicated than expected. While women changed, social structures surrounding work and family remained static.
Looking back over five decades of advocacy, Kunin analyzes where progress stalled, looks at the successes of other countries, and charts the course for the next feminist revolution--one that mobilizes women, and men, to call for the kind of government and workplace policies that can improve the lives of women and strengthen their families.

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Melissa Brenneman

Melissa listens to hours of podcasts on most days. She started the habit with the intention of taking long walks, but podcasts proved to be more addicting than exercise. She records, edits and mixes podcasts for the library.
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Alan May

Alan May works as a librarian at Lawson McGhee Library. In his spare time, he reads and writes poetry. May's fourth book, Derelict Days in That Derelict Town: New and Uncollected Poems, was published through BlazeVOX Books in 2025. His work has appeared in The New Orleans Review, The New York Quarterly, The Hollins Critic, The Idaho Review, Plume, The Hong Kong Review, and others.